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Try a class for FREE

This is where the rubber meets the road. You've looked us up and you've clicked on us, now let's get you in the dojo and see what you can do!


There is nothing to hold you back now. Just let us know you'd like to take a class and let's get going!

How to take a FREE class

Pick a time

Tuesday or Thursday
Please show up around 6:15pm as classes will start at 6:30pm

Ready yourself!

Wear something you can move around in (like sweats or basketball shorts) and drink plenty of water that day.

Contact us

Either email or submit a contact form here to let us know when you want to show up.


Information about us as people

We want to share our love of Martial Arts with you, and that means we're willing to let you walk in and take exactly one class for the low low price of totally FREE.

Our style, Kami Bushido, is the Way of God's Warrior, and it begins with a mostly Isshinryu style, moving into adding Aikido, Judo and Jujitsu as the training continues past green belt.


My father, Curtis Tillman, is called "Sifu" which is sort of like the "Grandfather" of the system. He started his martials arts journey over 40 years ago back in 1979. Since then he has studied under a number of different instructors, and holds senior rankings in a couple of different styles. 


Miss Amy is our other Master Instructor and she achieved 5th degree along with myself back in 2018. Her impressive feat was to break 10 individual boards in 10 seconds. She has been nicknamed the "Kata Queen" and is the head of our Little Dragons program.


My name is Len Tillman, current Sensei of King's Martial Arts and I have been working since 1997 to become the best I can as a martial artist. I have trained with a few of the same instructors as my father and I always enjoy practicing my art. I gained 5th degree in 2018 and my impressive feat was to do the 3-inch punch on a pine board. My favorite weapon is the katana and I'm currently studying Iaido in my spare time.

  With God at the forefront, we want our martial arts to be effective and defensive. It is only to protect that we use our skills.  It's our belief that fighting is a last resort and our fists should never be raised in anger. 

We have a 4 step plan of action: 

1 - Walk away

2 - Talk away

3 - Find an authority figure

4 - Defend yourself

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